Category Archives: The Power of Transition

The Power of Transition – Severing Relationships (Part 1)

Time and time again you may have heard “let it go”! I have always wondered why does it seem so hard to let go of toxic relationships. Albeit, whether its friendships, business partners, or dating relationships, when it’s over, it’s over. Sadly to admit, even in some cases where marriages have ended in divorce (even my own) but I digress.

Time is the most valuable asset that we are given because it means we’re alive and we can either maximize it or waste it. The same as with the company we keep. Evaluate your “circle” and see what is it producing, how is it adding to your life or subtracting from it, and are you moving forward or not moving at all? Does your circle of friends motivate, encourage, support, or challenge you to be great? Or are they time snatchers that just want to “shoot the breeze”, always do the same old thing they have been doing for the past five years or more? Absolutely NOTHING! Do your own inventory! This is not a judgment call on anyone else but for YOU to judge your surroundings and ask yourself, “Am I being fruitful, productive, and plentiful?” Or “Am I withering away and just going through the motions?” I am in no way suggesting you cut off everyone in your life but for you to prioritize and take a good long look at where you are and what it’s going to take for you to get to where you need to be. Either you’re swimming or sinking.

Before you start chopping away, first, see if you can meet with your friends and be bold and honest about where you are in life and that it’s time for you to grab the reins and get to moving. Ask them for their understanding as well as support. Next, start saying, “NO!” sometimes. You owe no explanation for your journey, you just need to arrive! Lastly, but not least, pray and ask God to grant you wisdom in your transition in severing relationships that are no longer beneficial at this time (it doesn’t mean forever but for a season…your call). Also, ask God to give you wisdom and favor in connecting with those that are a part of His will for your life. After all, it’s not about you but about the mission being accomplished that God assigned FOR you that will serve someone else.

Stay tuned…we’re just getting started!


The Power of Transition – Discover the Shift

Purpose brings about transition and transition brings about change. It is impossible to execute your purpose without action. The dictionary defines transition as: “movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept to another…” All-in-all, CHANGE is the most misconstrued, misdiagnosed, mis-conceptualized, overlooked symptom of transition. Oftentimes one of the most stifling things we can ever do is MISS the season of transition!

How many of us have held on to jobs, relationships/friendships, living situations, and things knowing that it has not been healthy for you for a very long time? Even through my own personal experiences, (because of disobedience!!) not knowing when the “shift” had occurred in my life led me to make unwise decisions, my integrity as a woman and child of God was compromised, and it filtered into every area of my life and affected my prayer life, my relationship with Jesus, and I became distant from those who loved me most (THANK GOD for those who didn’t give up on me!”) I became frustrated, bitter, and grumbled and complained more than I praised and prayed. I couldn’t function in small areas and life became very uncomfortable. Transition will take you out of your comfort zone! **WISDOM ALERT!**

One of the ways to acknowledge that a shift is taking flight in your life is to get in a quiet place. FIND it! Quiet yourself down. Yes, you may be overwhelmed. You may have to cry it out. You may be frustrated but command your atmosphere. Here’s a simple prayer: “LORD Jesus, I need you. I need your help! In Jesus Name!” He hears the smallest of prayers. God will speak in the least to the greatest of ways. Now for those of you that are use to being in control (or so you think!) ask God to send someone in your life that can assist you with prioritizing your life and discovering those pain points that need to be addressed. Be expedient. More importantly be OBEDIENT! **WISDOM ALERT**

If things seem to be falling apart at the seams, pay attention to details, distractions, and disruptions…find the shift!! Think back 3-6 months ago and see where you were at that time and where you are now. Ask Jesus to reveal to you words and deeds that you have come into agreement with that does not line up with His will for your life. While the transition may be painful, it may give the illusion that you’re moving backwards, and it may not make sense…mediate of this: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord . “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT)

Stay tuned for the next blog “Power of Transition – Relationships!” This is always a HOT TOPIC so let’s journey through it together! If you have a question you would like to propose, please email i.motivatesolutions@gmail. Also, click the follow button to stay up-to-date, as well as my Blog Talk Radio Show, “The NeXt Level with Ms. Gina!”
