Monthly Archives: August 2013

The Power to Create

You have the power to create the world you want to live in. You’re probably wondering, “How do I do that?” As I am most assured you have heard, read about, or even spoken yourself, “change the way you think!” Most importantly, change the way that you speak AND what you speak! Please don’t misunderstand me, I know we live in a real world with real problems and its likely to get progressively worse before it gets better. Is that a prediction? No! It’s in your “(B)ASIC (I)NSTRUCTIONS (B)EFORE (L)EAVING (E)ARTH! But I digress…

Have you ever been around a person who is constantly and consistently negative? I mean the type of person that on a clear, sky blue day on the beach with the weather tempature about 75 degrees, favorite snacks and beverages, great company, etc…will still find ONE thing to complain about?? I know what you’re thinking! Lol Isn’t it a drag? You’re probably thinking, for one day I would like a moment to not think about everything that is wrong or could be wrong and exercise being GRATEFUL?

I had a season like the person I just described above. It was a bit rocky until one day I woke up and despite all that was wrong I begin to exalt God for everything I was grateful for at that moment, even being grateful for having a toothbrush and toothpaste! I started the process of creating the world I want to live in by simply being grateful! It’s not just for the things I have and the people in my life. Even more so for the things God protected me from that I never knew was a target setup for my demise!

I’m not talking about creating a fantasy world but creating the world you want to live in by loving others, forgiving quickly, treating others as you would like to be treated, walking in integrity…and countless of other acts that you can do to make the world you live in a better place. If you have the mind…there lies the will…CREATE!
Twitter: @TheRealMsGina
