Category Archives: Farewell…Whitney



What MORE can I say about the lovely Ms. Whitney Houston that hasn’t already been said?! Along with fans across the globe, my heart has been completely saddened by her passing. Whitney Houston was the girl that every girl wanted to be. I was one of those girls that would grab the hair brush handle and sang as if I was LIVE in concert before millions. Not only was she extremely beautiful but a voice that is matchless. I fell in love with music because of individuals like the late GREAT Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston, along with Anita Baker, Tina Turner, Luther Vandross, Mariah Carey and many others. I still to this very day always tell people how I sang my butt off when I’m in the car or shower and that I sound just like Whitney Houston! HA! Another great memory I have is when I participated in the 8th grade talent show at Dr. Charles R. Drew Middle School in Miami and I bellowed out, “Saving All My Love for You”. Yep, I received a standing ovation!

I want to pay homage to Ms. Whitney Houston for sharing her gift of song with the entire world. While it feels like she’s gone way to soon I am confident that God made the better choice for her because He knows when our journey on earth will end. When I think back to Whitney’s humble beginnings when she was introduced to the world at such a young age, I had the opportunity to see someone who looked like me be fashionable, beautiful, talented, and inspiring. I’m most grateful that she crossed racial, economic, and cultural barriers and the world embraced this beautiful being. I am very proud of her accomplishments and despite her lows and struggles; she still had a soul in need of healing. While my struggles may not be alcohol and drugs, I know another type of addiction that will still rob you of your livelihood and I have been sharing that in my blog series, “Trapped Inside of Me” dealing with obesity. Let’s continue to be mindful of what the Word of God says in Ephesians 6:12 “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” (NTL)

EVERYONE needs prayer and it is not for anyone to judge without first looking within and examining your own heart. Our celebrities are everyday, ordinary people with a platform that sometimes robs them of privacy and certain freedoms that we enjoy everyday. Money and fame does NOT take away the sting of pain; however, the Blood of Jesus has redeeming power to resurrect, revive, and restore!

Be at rest Whitney!