Tag Archives: san diego california

Trapped Inside of Me – Facing the Ugly Truth!

In my last blog I decided to openly make a confession to my addiction to food. In my mission to becoming healthy and losing weight, there are truths that I had to face. As with so many people dealing with obesity or other eating disorders, there are ALWAYS underlying reasons as to why this is a problem. The biggest reason for me is lack of self-control when it comes to food. It’s not just the fact that certain foods are just absolutely delicious but it became a comfort for me to deal with things that I would be experiencing at that time. {Commonly known as being an emotional eater). 

Let me share when I discovered this embarrassing, ugly truth. When I lived in San Diego, California, it was the first time I had been away from everyone that I knew and my life took a turn in an unfamiliar direction. I was newly married (previous marriage) and things were pretty rocky. I turned to food. I would walk down to the corner store and buy all these snack foods (usually sugary snacks) and I would sneak and eat them. Hide the evidence from myself because I knew it was wrong but it made me feel so much better because it comforted me in a way I wasn’t receiving from my former husband. Everytime I felt rejected the more I turned to food and the numbers kept moving to the right and I blamed the dryer for my shrinking clothes. (DENIAL!) 

Some of the symptoms that I encountered that lead to emotional eating were: loneliness, boredom, feeling rejected, lack of confidence, lack of motivation, not feeling accepted, believing that people were judging me because of how I looked, not feeling loved, my prayer life…the list goes on and on. {We’ll discuss some of these in another blog.} Most individuals dealing with obesity, overeating, or emotional eating do not accept the truth that there is a problem and that help is needed. Usually the “root” of the problem is ignored or not taking the time to dig under all those layers that could go so far back in the life of the individual. It definitely goes SKIN DEEP! We’re not discussing accountability at this point because it is definitely one to be discussed. Please bear with me…it’s coming. Also, please consider the next time you see someone that is “trapped inside of themself” before you judge their outter appearance say a prayer of deliverance, healing, and forgiveness instead because it is needed. Take this journey with me…I’m headed somewhere! 

Stay tuned…